Friday, October 28, 2011

My favorite website part 2

My favorite website is
The only difference between the desktop version and the mobile version is that the layout is slitly different and the mobile version has a couple more buttons then the desktop version.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Favorite website

My favorite website is

Youtube is informational,educational,commercial and entertaining.

This web site is mainly used for entertainment but can also be used for entertainment.

This website shows videos that were uploaded by people for people.

This web site was made for viewing videos.

This site is my favorite because this site gives alot of information about daily life and creates videos for peoples entertainment.

Friday, October 7, 2011

invisible children

some students went to africa to see what goes on and they found out that children get kidnapped and are forced to join the army.the invisible children project is a program that is trying to stop the children from getting kipnapped by providing alarm systems to the kids. so check out there website and help

blog review

im following a blog called the hyrule blog.  / i like this blog because it is a blog about one of my favorite video games/ also because the blog is organized so you can find things fast/ also because they are very descriptive in there posts. i do like this blog and i dont think that it needs to be changed at all.
the link is here if anyone wants to check it out.

bhs self portraits

this picture was simple to take. all you have to is use the face camera and then take a picture when you see yourself.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The world of bhs

BHS is a hard working school that encourages students to explore and learn new things. One thing I like about the school is they gave every student an ipad somthat it would help with notes, books, activities, and it would help students understand the technology. I also like the teachers because they keep the class on track, provide assistance when someone needs it, and they give students a second chance. I also like how the school tries to get the students involved because there are some students that dont do anything and this will help them participate more often. Bhs is a good school but there is one thing I would change about it. I would change the bell schedule sonthat students have an extra minute to get to class because some students still don't make it to class on time. These are the reasons why I like BHS.